Did you know that Michael Jordan had a coach? You may say, “Why would he need a coach? He’s Michael Jordan!” Yet we understand that, even though a person may excel in one area, they can always improve and grow as a person.

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In this case, the coach played a vital role in the success of Michael Jordan and each player on the team. As the leader, the coach knew the strengths, weaknesses, and personalities of each team member.
Most of all, the coach would be able to see the overall picture of the player and offer sound guidance in the game. In the same sense, having a mentor in our lives is vital to the success of our ministry. A mentor acts as the coach, giving insight, instructing us of our role, and offering correction for areas that are undisciplined and rough. It is when we understand the role of the mentoring relationship that we begin to see how God uses people in our lives to shape us into His image. This article is intended to provide practical steps a minister can take to connect with mentors for ministry development. Below are five ways you can connect for mentorship.

1. Books and Articles

One can gain valuable insight just by taking the time to read the writings of great leaders. This is effective because a person cannot write without revealing personality, insight, and vision. For the one who seeks to connect with a mentor, the written word is a great place to start.

2. Social Media

This inexpensive and easily accessible information can be found by searching for and following a mentor on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This is a great way to see how the person interacts with people, the language they use, and how they think. One can also set alerts and keep up to date with what the mentors are saying at the moment.

3. Video and Audio Recordings

I still remember my first box of Lee Stoneking tapes and how I would spend hours listening to the messages. This is still a great way to connect with ministers and get a feel for their ministry. While most people don’t have a tape player anymore, a large database of Apostolic resources are available with a simple search for “Apostolic Preaching” in your favorite search engine. You can also access church podcasts through the Itunes app. For the last year, ministrymentorship.com has provided a wealth of ministry conversation with Apostolic leaders through a podcast of over 45 interviews available for free. Also, consider that many church websites offer audio and video archives of their services.

4. Events

By attending meetings locally and nationally, one can make themselves available to connect with people on a broader level. While there is a greater cost to attend events, it must be noted that there is more of an opportunity for connections to be formed.

Here are three C’s that can help you become aware of opportunities to connect.


Most of the time, a guest minister will stand around after the service talking with and greeting people in the audience. This is the time to strike up a conversation with the visiting minister, thank them for their ministry, and try to get to know them a little better. With your Pastor’s permission, you might consider asking the visiting minister to speak with you for a few minutes during the day if there is availability. You might also ask if it would be possible to join in taking a visiting minister out to eat after a service.


The United Pentecostal Church International has a structure that facilitates connection among ministers through sectional meetings, youth rallies, district conferences, General Conference, and Youth Congress. All of these events play a vital role in the organization and can be a great place to make connections. When attending a meeting of this nature, take a minute to introduce yourself to people sitting around you. If you are staying at a hotel in the area, spend a few minutes in the lobby and greet people who are walking through. This can be a great way to meet fellow ministers. Another way to develop ministry connections is to invite someone to a restaurant with you and share a meal.


These meetings typically foster a laid-back, amiable atmosphere where people can easily connect with fellow ministers and mentors. In order to maximize this opportunity, make sure to sit towards the front and be in the altar area at the close of the services. Often, when the service is over, the speakers will be in the altar area visiting and it is a prime opportunity to meet with them and other ministers. If you see the camp speaker talking with a group of ministers, join yourself to the back of the group and listen in on the conversation.

5. Personal Connection

This is definitely the most involved and effective form of mentoring that will pay great dividends in the future. It comes through making a conscious effort to connect and putting forth the time, effort, and energy to be consistent over the long haul.

In conclusion, the most important ministry and mentoring connections you will make are those that are forged by your commitment and willingness to put yourself forward in the relationship process. You must make a move and when you do, you will find that God will open the doors and your ministry will be greatly enhanced.